Dancing Letters Research Paper

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Dancing Letters

Not every child learns the same. One may learn by seeing and doing, the other may learn by listening and visualizing. When it came to reading and writing, I didn't fit into any of those categories. I was “tossed to the wolves” when it came to English. I understood what my teachers were teaching me, but when it came time to do it on my own, I just couldn't. The letters on the pages of my book would seem to dance. They would flip and trade places as if they were doing a line dance. I would get so frustrated because I couldn't do everything that my classmates were able to do. As I grew older I was diagnosed dyslexia. When I was told this I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders because I finally knew what was going on in my own head. I was told that this is just a mental wall, that I needed to work harder than most of my classmates and that an IEP, or individualized education program, would help me. …show more content…

I then fought to get off my IEP, so I could learn to do things on my own. This has been something that has made me a better person and I now see the world in a different light. I learned that being scared of someone judging me is an rerational fear and what my peers think of me has no effect on the way I see myself. I now know that everyone learns differently and that some people are smarter than they seem. Just because I have a disability doesn't mean that I’m not smart or capable of doing great things. I know that I can do great things and dyslexia will not hold me back. This disability is something that I will have my whole life, so why should I be scared to embrace who I

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