Daisy's Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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Daisy cries when she sees Gatsby’s wardrobe since she is overwhelmed by everything that she sees at Gatsby’s house due to her materialism. She is impressed by Gatsby’s shirts because of their luxuriousness. Daisy was in love with Gatsby before he went for war, however, she ended up marrying Tom because of the his similar family background and the financial stability he can give her. When she sees Gatsby’s mansion, wardrobes and accomplishments, she is very surprised. Before, she did not choose him because she did not know if he was rich or not despite of the true love and romantic relationship between them. Now, she knows that Gatsby has already acquired the wealth and can provide the basic needs for her. Therefore, she cries as she realizes …show more content…

First, he accepts Gatsby’s request because he values the friendship between Gatsby and him. He wants to help him as a friend instead of getting paid like an employee of him. Since he thinks Gatsby’s offer represents that the difference of social classes between them as Gatsby knows he does not make as much money as he does, he feels like a charity from Gatsby who is sympathetic of his lower class situation. This makes him feel a sense of self consciousness in himself. Most importantly, he does not want to take the Meyer Wolfsheim’s business offer because he thinks his business and ways of making money are criminal. He does not want to get involved in the shady and illegal things they do. In addition, the main qualities that Nick has is his honesty and that he does not make friends based on social classes. He is aware of Gatsby’s obsession for Daisy and the relationship between Myrtle and Tom, which makes him not wanting to have any involvement in the scandals within the East Egg people. He does not want to feel that he is involved in something immoral, which might cause drama between the married couples and

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