Daisy's Wealth In The Great Gatsby

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Daisy’s comment about hoping her daughter will be a beautiful little fool is disagreeable. Daisy may be a married woman with a child, however, she doesn't seem like she's managed to grow up very much. Daisy’s, life is just a part of the girlhood: she's never learned how to be a woman, and we get the feeling from this novel that she's never going to. She's expected to be a "beautiful little fool," just like every other girl of her social class, just as she expects her daughter to be. She longs for the innocent period of her "white girlhood," before she forced herself into marriage to Tom because of his wealth. Though the Daisy of the present has come to realize that more often than not, dreams don't come true, she still clings to the hope that …show more content…

Daisy who is aware of her husband’s affair with another women in New York, she is being a “fool” by ignoring it. Even though in the novel Daisy has been given a lot of wealth it still isn’t enough gender wise, men are still more superior than the women. In conclusion, being wealthy is not wrong, it depends how the person views their wealth as. Women should be confident enough to make their own decisions. Gender should not be the reason why someone should be considered a “fool” . Being a fool will only cause the person harm. As Daisy hopes her daughter will be “beautiful little fool”. As a mother Daisy’s idea is incorrect, if her child will be a fool she will be used, cheated, and will not mature from her girlhood. She will end up as her mom, being a fool , her wealth will not satisfy her inner …show more content…

The media fools women, making some feel insecure, that they don’t look a certain way. For example, Kim Kardashian born on October 21, 1980, is an American reality television personality . Kardashian first gained media attention as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton, but received wider notice after a 2003 sex tape with her former boyfriend Ray J was leaked in 2007. Kim Kardashian is a fool in the media, despite her work she is mostly known for her curvy body, her big butt and breast. She is known insanely famous for her sex tape , her body , instagram followers and other scandals. Kim is a fool herself and fool in the media, she’s living a fantasy life and has a really good earning. She is not someone people look upon at, or want to be. This all relates back to Daisy and how she wishes her daughter to be in the future. She wants her to be a “fool: similar to Kim, who lives in a fantasized world and has all the money. Women with the perfect face and body is considered beautiful, what's on the inside in unimportant. Therefore, people are still being fooled till this day through the media, similarly how Daisy hopes her daughter will be fool

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