Daily Programme: Needs Of Immigrant Learners

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Daily programme

The daily programme is carefully tailored to suite the needs of all learners especially immigrant learners. There are well balance periods of structured learning with creative activities such as art activities, themed discussion, ring time and free play. Snack time, music, stories and generous amounts of outdoor play also make up the programme.

The daily programme plays an important role in guiding learners from self-directed play to more focused, formal activities, paving the way for the transition to primary school. Learner’s social skills will also develop as they learn to share(Sharing is caring), take turns, compromise, communicate and co-operate within a group and in the overall class. Learner's develop into independent, confident, …show more content…

There is free play as children settle down. There are a variety of activities offered during this time. Learners can play together or individually. Children are encouraged to arrive before the morning bell so they have time to socialize, play and settle down.

•Morning ring

This is a daily activity involving the class which promotes group co-operation. It also builds confidence, memory, language and listening skills.

•Theme Discussion

We discuss the weekly themes such as Culture; People,places and environment; Time etc. The weather and news are discussed. The weekly theme is designed to expand the child’s general knowledge and raise awareness of social, environmental and world issues.

•Creative activities

There are many creative art and craft activities from which the children may choose daily . Children express themselves through their art. All learners are praised for their effort.
Being creative will allow children to experience a sense of achievement as they produce their own masterpiece.
They work in groups which promotes socialisation in the class or individually depending on the activity.

•Music and

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