Cyclical Unemployment

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Unemployment is a problem across all states of Australia and in many other countries as well. It impacts consumers, businesses and governments. Unemployment is when people are trying to find work but so far have been unsuccessful. The government calculates unemployment rate by the number of unemployed divided by the total labour force times by 100. There are 3 main types of unemployment. Structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and cyclical unemployment. Structural unemployment is when the skill set of the unemployed do not meet the requirements of jobs available. Causes of structural unemployment are the technological advances in an industry. This often happens in manufacturing. Robots are replacing unskilled workers. An example of …show more content…

Causes of cyclical unemployment is when demand for goods drop and business revenues decline. An example of this would be people that go work in the snowfields and if it is a bad season then there won’t be as many people required to work so they would lose their jobs early. Impacts of Cyclical unemployment are with newly unemployed they don’t have the same disposable income and therefore they won’t spend as much, which means demands drops and the flow on effect is the supply needs to decrease which means they don’t need as many …show more content…

the department of education has introduced ad/or reserved places on a number of employment and training programmes to help young people get a job. Over 21,000 young people has benefitted from these places. Another idea the government has is improving education and skill levels. This is a key goal for many job seekers while waiting for a recovery in the job market. Supports for jobseekers have been revised under the back to Education and other training support programmes. Helping job seekers find work and identify other opportunities. The government has developed and rolled out a new approach to helping jobseekers find work called intreo. As part of intreo, the provision of employment services is integrated with the provision of welfare services and jobseekers have faster and more systematic access to tailored support from the Department’s case

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