Cyberbullying Is Everywhere

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Do you know anyone who has ever been cyberbullied? It is not a good experience for anyone whether you are the one getting bullied or if you’re witnessing someone getting bullied. Cyberbullying is everywhere and you may have committed it without even knowing. Cyberbullying has been around since the beginning of the internet and will never end until we can stand up against it. People are affected in so many different ways such as depression and anger or hurting there self because of what someone said about them over the internet. The internet is not a safe place for anyone. What can you do to prevent it?

Everyone thinks too much about the question, “What is cyberbullying?” It is a very simple question. Cyber bullying is any sort of inappropriate language or quote from one person to another. Cyberbullying consist of any age, any race, and is on just about every web page available on the internet. Cyberbullying is everywhere, it has been on every web page ever known at least once. Cyberbullying is something that could hurt anyone at any time and needs to be stopped. There is a huge number of things you could do as a …show more content…

Since the internet became a thing cyberbullying has went from something that was rare to a common everyday thing in today’s life. Daily half the school children in the U.S., approximately twelve million, are hurt by cyberbullying in and out of school. Cyberbullying is a major addition to a large problem with kid’s educations being effected. Cyberbullying has grown into something that has went off the charts in with how common it is not rather than when the internet first became a normal thing. The growth rate is by far the biggest thing of the internet. Everyone is a part of cyberbullying even if you’re not a mean person you’ve posted your opinion and it hurt someone but when the internet was born or brought into everyday life very few people done that or if they done it they knew what they were

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