Culture And Identity In David Henry Hwang's 'Yellow Face'

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In this documentary play, David Henry Hwang places himself center stage, where he comments of the casting of white actors to play Asian roles. Yellow face premiered at center theater group on may 10, 2007, in Los Angeles California, and was honored for its ironic play on culture and identity. Through out the play, Hwang is being critical of society’s views on the importance of race and public figures, and the controversy between these two characters DHH and Marcus Gee. David Henry Hwang and Marcus Gee plays a big role in this documentary play where both have to explains them selves in order to be heard and not be judge for their ancestry. However, this controversy between these two important characters goes beyond their identity to compete …show more content…

In this quote, Stuarts is stereotyping Marcus, because all he knows is that an Asian must have slanted eyes. He must know that an Asian comes in different ways, and Marcus chose to live his life that way. We can tell someone’s identity if we are not too familiar with their cultural ways of life.

Identity is on of the essential themes of yellow face. DHH an Asian American is angry with Marcus Gee for not admitting to the public that his identity is a sham, but DHH is not going to be able to tell the media anything about Marcus because he was the one who created the lie about Marcus Gee.
His "yellow face" feels genuine to him, and his interest in his acquired identity is so passionate that he soon finds himself competing with DHH for the role of community role model. Being Asian American becomes his identity of choice, felt and performed by gestures and practices, and is not to be denied on the basis of accidental biology: (Botelho …show more content…

I think this play is a lot about what does race mean, and to what extent do we perform race either onstage or in life:
Race is, in fact, reestablished as an intrusive presence in American collective life in the second part of the play when Hwang 's father and other members of the community become victims of the 1996 Congressional investigation into the loyalty of Chinese Americans suspected of espionage and of obscure financial dealings with China, thereby imposing the reality of racism on a post-racial sensibility. (Botelho 92)

Hwang’s father has been victims of racism since 1996, we can’t tell by the last name or by the way the look like where they come from. We aren’t allowed to ask at auditions legally, a person’s race. Therefore, the fact that DHH a character in this play mistakes a white man for being part Asian shows us that we can’t necessarily tell where a you really from by looking

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