Cultural Diversity In Canada

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Many modern societies promote cultural diversity through affirmative action, also known as positive discrimination. This forces educational institutions and businesses to favor minority groups in an attempt to increase their enrollment in schools and in the work force. In Canada, cultural diversity should not be forced through employment equity, or through educational equity because it discriminates against the majority, is suboptimal for businesses, and creates an unfair advantage to students who are members of minority groups. Outlawing affirmative action in Canada would promote equality, and help to eliminate discrimination from society.

Cultural diversity is often viewed as a positive aspect of society. It allows for the unique perspectives of individuals who grew up in foreign and unique cultures to share their past with others. Palansky opposes this view and argues that it is a stereotype. Just as immigrants from foreign countries have unique perspectives that they can share with society, so do individuals who grew up locally. Every person is unique in his beliefs, morals, and traditions. Each individual regardless of his background brings unique aspects to society, and it is therefore unreasonable to state that cultural diversity is inherently good. It is important to clarify that …show more content…

Due to the Employment Equity Act, companies can be required to reject the best-suited applicant for a job solely due to their gender, race, or majority status (Equity and diversity Directorate, 2011). Not only does this unfairly penalize specific applicants, but it also penalizes the business as a whole. By not hiring the best-suited candidate, the business may suffer from decreased productivity, ultimately resulting in a less profitable business. Just as a company cannot reject an applicant based on his race, gender, or nationality, it must also be prohibited from accepting applicants based on these

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