Cultural Differences Between Canada And The United States

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Although a lot of people, including myself prior to all this research, may assume that Canada is just like the United States, there are many differences that must be acknowledged and accepted between the two countries to conduct successful business together. The cultural differences, political, legal, and economic differences between Canada and the United States each play important roles in understanding how to go about doing business together.
Much like here in The United States, the Canadian culture has been shaped by the European cultures. In Canada’s case, it was mostly the British and the French cultures that have been the influence for culture in the past. The United States has also served as an inspiration to their culture, as well. Canada places their emphasis of value on fairness, equality, inclusiveness, and social justice, which is not quite what we tend to place value on here in the United States. We have issues with equality between genders, sexual orientation, etc. here. They are thought to be a very diverse as well as progressive people in Canada.
Canadians differ from Americans in ways that they are seen as more polite and accepting than we are. They are a bit informal but it is still advised that you be …show more content…

A single Canadian dollar equals 0.76 US dollar, currently. Their unemployment rate is sitting at 6.8 percent right now. It is possible that Canada’s unemployment numbers could decrease by the creation of jobs as truck drivers due to expanding our business into the country. As reported in October, their average inflation rate for the year of 2016 has been a healthy 1.46 percent. As stated before, Canadians rely heavily on imports from the US and Mexico because Canada cannot yield a lot of certain foods and minerals due to the climate. Not only do they import a lot, but they also export quite a bit. They export a considerable amount of oil, mineral fuels, motor vehicle parts, and even industrial

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