Cultural Appropriation

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Jaya Bedi, a 24 years old woman, who lives in Hartford, says “What makes the non-south Asian person’s use of the bindi problematic is the fact that a pop star like Selena Gomez wearing one is guaranteed to be better received than I would if I were to step out of the house rocking a do on my forehead” (“Beyond Bindis: Why Cultural Appropriation Matters”, 2013). Scafidi, an American lawyer, legal scholar, advocate, nonprofit executive, and the Writer of “Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law” (2005), suggests that the definition of cultural appropriation is “taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission… This can include unauthorized use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. it is most likely to be harmful when the source community is a minority group that has been oppressed or exploited in other ways, or when the object of appropriation is particularly sensitive, e.g. sacred objects”. This definition is similar to the definition of plagiarism, the practice of taking someone else’s intellectual property and work, and passing them off as one’s own.
It can be said without doubt that cultural appropriation is the product of the many years of Imperialism and colonization, as well as that it triggers conflicts. Some people see the use of someone else’s or their own traditions for marketing, profit, or without knowing the meaning behind is utterly disrespectful. On the other hand, some people claim that it is not appropriation, but rather, appreciation. Cultural appropriation is harmful to cultures because it can lead to creating negative stereotypes and it oppresses the source-culture.
First of all, Cultural appropriation is deemed controversial because it can cause people to

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