Cs Lewis Research Paper

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I believe that C.S. Lewis is reasonable when he states that all men, women and children have “ some kind of Law or Rule of fair play or decent behaviour or morality.” I think this because, ever since we we born we were taught what is right and wrong. One may ask, “what is right or wrong, what is fair or unfair, what is just or unjust?” The answers, however, various from person to person, since our upbringing and experiences are different. For instance, a child born into a family were swearing was tolerated, may believe that swearing is like saying “hello”, an everyday normal word. A child born into a family that prohibited swearing, and punished for cursing, may believe that swearing is wrong. This is the predicament that most of us find our selfs in. For this reason, many of us quarrel not like animals, but in the human sense. C.S Lewis, claims that the “Law of Human Nature” is real and not a social construct. I agree with C.S Lewis since, a social construct changes with social views, and the Laws of Human Nature remain the same. A great examples of this is the Catholic Church. Roughly 60 years ago, Catholicism was extremely dominant; children, adults, …show more content…

Both absolute and relative moral truths are connected to the statements of C.S Lewis, however there is a stronger connection with absolute moral truth then relative moral truth. Absolute moral truth is what is right and wrong independent of what society believes in addition absolute moral truth is unalterable. An example of this could be, the Pope is the closes thing to Heaven on Earth, non-catholics will not believe in the statement, nonetheless, the statement is true. The same thing goes for the Law of Human Nature, if people started to believe that child abuse is right, the Law of Human nature would not change because society changed, this relates to absolute moral truth since absolute moral truth is

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