Crop Circles Essay

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Crop circles are have been a mystery for a very long time and multiple movies and documentaries have been made by famous directors about this phenomenon. The most famous movie about this unique phenomenon starred Mel Gibson and was called Signs. Crop circles are designs that have been found in fields. A crop circle could be anything from a regular circle to a very challenging design called a pictogram. People believe that it could be anything from just pranks to aliens to a natural disaster. The possibilities are endless and people get very suspicious because it has not been solved. Multiple sightings of crop circles have been discovered over the years. In August of 2012, a ring of plants formed in a large pasture in Alberta, Canada.
One theory says that crop circles are created by vortices. This means that circling air flattens crops into the certain design. Dr. Terence Meaden believes of his theory called the Plasma Vortex Theory which is where spinning dust particles in the air glow which is the reason people see lights at the sites of crop circles. Aircrafts could also cause crop circles. Downdrafts of the aircrafts and helicopters can push the crops in the fields into designs like the crop circles. One of the final explanations of the crop circles could be electromagnetic radiation. Magnetic fields have been found inside crop circles and people have felt tingling in their body near crop circles. Dr. William Levengood says that crops in the crop circles were damaged like one in a
The Gaia theory says that Earth is an intellectual matter that uses these crop circles to communicate with the humans. Colin Andrews believes that this theory is very logical because it is Earth’s attempt to refocus us back on earth. Before the technological age, people were very focus on the environment, but now this generation is too technologically focused. The Ley Line theory relates crop circles to famous monuments like Stonehenge. People believe there is stored energy underneath the Earth’s surface which made these unique crop circles. It is very similar to what people believe started many of the ancient landmarks. It is said to be helpful in curing sickness and disease, production, and

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