Strange Fruit Essay

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“Strange Fruit” by Billie Holiday conveys the inhumane, gory lynchings of African-Americans in the American South, and how this highly unnatural act had entrenched itself into the society and culture of the South, almost as if it were an agricultural crop. Although the song did not originate from Holiday, her first performance of it in 1939 in New York City and successive recording of the song became highly popular for their emotional power (“Strange fruit,” 2017). The lyrics in the song highlight the contrast between the natural beauty and apparent sophistication of the agricultural South with the brutal violence of lynchings. Holiday communicates these rather disturbing lyrics through a peculiarly serene vocal delivery, accompanied by a hymn-like …show more content…

The dead black person hanging from a tree is described as “fruit for the crows to pluck/For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck/For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop.” During this portion of the song, one can hear the tremolo of the piano building in volume and ending with a staccato at the end of each line. Musically, this adds an element of suspense, and emphasizes the last dependent clause, effectively adding heaviness to the entire section. From the viewpoint of anyone other than racist white southerners in the 20th century, it is extremely troubling that the violent murder of black people had become so integrated into natural cycles, which seem to be more encompassing and absolute than societal customs. The lyrics attempt to transcend societal ingroups and outgroups, political issues of personal and peripheral interest and the concepts of time and place by describing how pointless violence, a moral rebellion against nature, has become part of nature. However, my interpretation of the intentions of the songwriter may be informed by my background information about the post-Reconstruction South and my hardline stance against systemic violence and white

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