Critical Review Of Milios Framework By Nancy Millio

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Milios framework of prevention provides thoughtful concepts on mechanisms that focus on directing the attention of nursing intervention at population level upstream through examining available opportunities. Nancy Millio concepts are geared towards population and community-oriented care (Mary, & Melanie, 2015). According to Millio, behavioral patterns of individuals and population results from selected habits usually due to limited choices. Millio in her framework questions the common perspective that is assumed that lack of knowledge is the key determinant for unhealthy behavioral choices. According to Mary, & Melanie, (2015) Nancy Millio gives six aspects that link the ability of society to give approachable and socially accepted health decisions to an individual expertise to improve their healthy actions. According to her, the available health choices are important in shaping a societies general health status. Individual's health choices are influenced by decisions of governments and private organizations. National based policy on health is the best ways to influence citizen's health rather than focusing on giving information that is aimed at changing individual's behavioral …show more content…

Public holders include bureaucrats and politicians, Policy influencers represent the group within or outside the government, the public as the third play are the consumers, taxpayers, audiences and voters whose opinions will impact the adoption of the proposed policy (Mary, & Melanie, 2015). The media is also a key player who influences both the public understanding of the proposed policy including their attitudes towards the policy and policy makers. Often policies seem to be driven by one or two influential parties but Millio argues that the community or organizations should be the focus analysis. Communities and organizations usually fall into policy influencers or policy

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