Critical Reflection On Welfare Work

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Critical reflection is useful in helping practitioners bring theory and practice together in a meaningful way and Freire (1972) identifies praxis as a notion that encourages people to perceive, interpret and transform the world around them The report is going to evaluate my study placement at Willenhall advice centre as a advice worker. The placement provided me with opportunity to link theory to practice and challenged my values and attitude towards the benefit system in UK as well as provided me with an understanding of challenges facing the voluntary sector and its workers. It is going to reflect upon the welfare right s practice which Bateman 2006 points out how welfare rights practices aims to increase individuals’ income by way of prescribing information and advice and advocacy on their behalf. Theories sand policies underpinning welfare rights practice is discussed and critically analysed and the effectives of this approach to enabling individuals in the communities. Equality and anti-discriminatory practice is also analysed focusing on how services at the organisation worked towards ageism, disability, racism and gender. Linking theory to practice is important as we can make sense of the situations that we find ourselves in and this also help to shape up our response (beckett 2006). The report will also argue how government policies and funding affects the service provision at WAC as well as the implications this has on workers and service users. description of the work
The organisation operates as a charity and company limited by guarantee, in the aim to relieve poverty and advancement of public education in the matters relating to personal finance. It was established in 1992 as a service that does not only provi...

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... of social justice and social change
The report highlighted the issues and challenges facing organisation in the voluntary sector due to funding cut and change of welfare system. The organisation provides a vital service for its community but this is short lived as the future of the organisation is uncertain and service users will e drawn below the poverty line making the government lose more money in tackling such issues. The equality and anti discrinmation practice is much the same endeavour but it is not as easy straightforward as put due to structural inequalities and community workers need to realise this. Community work with women, ethnic minorities disabled peopled and other excluded groups around issues of inequality and discrimination is hence a dimension of all forms of practice. There is need for such organisation to engage in more radical social action,

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