Essay On Welfare State

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The welfare state is a political system that has been an important ideology used by countries that provide social programs to its people. One may say that the rise of the welfare state is caused by capitalist needs that lead to failure and end up hurting the well-being of its people. When the country is faced with a critical situation that hurts the people and the economy, the government is required to provide welfare programs that attempt to cure the consequences of failures of the country. For example, the Great Depression was the result of an economic crisis that caused the decline of people’s well-being. The society was faced with tremendous financial problems and the only way to fixed it was by providing an efficient welfare system, such as the New Deal. Among the programs certain acts passed, like the Social Security Act, provided benefits and compensation to workers and …show more content…

after this period, but it did not meant that the country was engaging in the ideology of a pure socialist system. It is important to mention that a welfare state is: the intervention of government that aims to create equitable economic and living conditions among the citizens. The government provides all the physical, social, and materials needs, rather than the people obtaining it themselves. There is a redistribution of wealth by taxing the middle and upper class that aims to help the underprivileged with multiple and different social programs. In contrast, a pure socialist system is when a population collectively owns and controls all means of productions that at the end is distributed proportionally. However, a socialist society does not engage in profit accumulation like a welfare state does to provide welfare programs. The welfare state has been engaging in social welfare programs, that led to an overall conclusion that a welfare state combines socialists beliefs to better improve the economy and to provide adequate living

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