Critical Analysis Of Erway Hemingway

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1. Thesis statement Hemingway’s dialogue reveals the difficult nature of a relationship between a man and a woman, as it focusses on incompatibility of their relationship and their different values on abortion. The reader witnesses a deep conflict between them on the issue as the decision will affect both their relationship and the rest of their lives. 2. Plot summary The plot of the story is very simple. A couple is situated on a hot summers day less than an hour at a Spanish train station in the valley of Ebro as they are waiting for a train to Madrid. They are presumably both American, although only the man is presented as such. In the story’s less than 1500 words their dialogue takes up most of the space and few major actions take place …show more content…

The story is set in the 1920ies in what has been termed The Jazz Age in which individualism was on the rise. The time period was also characterised by a post-war emptiness and cynicism. As such, the story deals with loss of meaningful life, with the sterility and vacuity of the modern world and with the crucial necessity of taking responsibility for the quality of one's own life (Yanling, p 108). The nature of the story’s dialogue tangibly represents the above mentioned time period emptiness and …show more content…

In this mode the narrator is someone outside the story being omniscient (Abrams, p.301). Nevertheless, the author as the narrator in this story gives the reader virtually no access to the couple’s thoughts and does not even interpret the emotional quality of their words or movements by using adverbs; he simply records. Hemingway termed his own literary writing style The Iceberg Theory, a method in which he held back key details of his stories. He carefully detected and omitted all the words that did not work, keeping only the words that were of highest importance to his story, and leaving readers to sift through the remaining dialogue and bits of narrative on their own (Yanling, p 109). There are no descriptions of the couple’s real names, their occupations or any physical attributes. He further omits dialogue tags (she/he said) and skips any internal monologues. The story has a documentary style with sparse wording which makes the language restraint, intensified and precise. The author seems to be indifferent both to the characters and to the reader; he pretends to be merely an objective observer content to report without comment the words and actions of the protagonists (Yanling, p 108). The reader is on the basis of her or his own interpretations forced to piece together the facts of the difficulties in the couples disjointed conversation (Yanling, p

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