Criminological Theories In Boston George

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In the beginning of the movie “Blow”, George explains that he did not want to struggle financially like his parents did when he was young. Boston George did not come from a wealthy family, his father worked many hours a week and still didn’t make enough and once George realized that he began to realize that money was of major importance. But,since he did not want get a normal job like everyone he turned toward a life of crime. His life changed once he began to sell drugs. Boston George began to live more lavishly, he bought more expensive clothes, cars, houses, he threw big parties, he made trips around the world and etc. In this essay, I will define different criminological theories and apply one to the life of Boston George. The “Differential …show more content…

For example, since George and Tuna did not want to get regular jobs, Tuna came up with the idea of selling the marijuana and George’s association with Maria lead him to meeting Derek Foreal, who gave George his first bulk of marijuana to sell. Meeting Derek is what began this road of criminal activity for George, as he continue to be the main marijuana distributor in California he later gained the name “Boston George” from it. After realizing he was good at being a drug dealer he began to expand and with him he was able to rope in an old friend known as Kevin Dulli. Boston George’s thirst for financial wealth lead him to go to Mexico on a quest to find a source so he could sell more marijuana back in the states. The “Differential Association Theory” is capable of explaining why Boston George began to sell marijuana because growing up as a child he knew that he needed money in order to be happy since he seen how his parents would struggle in life. This thirst of financial gain was quenched once Tuna gave him the idea of selling marijuana. Boston George even states “I was making way more money than I could in a real job”, thus proving that he was content with how he made his money as long as he made money so he didn’t have to live like his parents. With George’s want for financial wealth and Tuna influencing him to sell drugs, caused George to engage in criminal activity, thus showing how the “Differential Association Theory”applied to how Boston George began selling

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