Criminal Defense Lawyer Research Paper

521 Words2 Pages

Do You Need a Criminal Lawyer?
In life, we all make mistakes, and there are times when some of those mistakes require legal counsel to help us maintain our freedom and reduce sentencing. A criminal lawyer can help in many circumstances including cases related to drug offences. Here’s how getting a criminal lawyer can help, particularly when it comes to drug offences.
Improving the Odds
Criminal defense lawyers can help reduce and possibly eliminate charges. The grim reality is drug offences have pretty significant penalties. Whether the charge is related to possession, supply, or importation, the consequences are no walk in the park. Even minor possession charges can result in heavy fines and up to two years imprisonment. Fortunately, a criminal defense lawyer can negotiate to reduce charges and sentences. Their expertise puts them in a position to more effectively negotiate compared to if you were to represent yourself or use a public defender. Prosecutors are more willing to work with defense lawyers as well, which also increases the chances …show more content…

Criminal defence lawyers understand certain aspects of the law that can work to your benefit, and they can utilise such knowledge to support your case. Their reputation is also impacted by your court case, therefore, they will go above and beyond to ensure positive outcomes.
Due to the extensive penalties for drug charges, it is not recommended to go it alone. A drug charge is a serious offense that requires a trained professional to help you figure out what steps you need to take to get the best outcome. A criminal defense lawyer can help you in more ways than you realise. Not only can they reduce or possibly eliminate charges, they can give you the peace of mind needed to move forward with your life.
Providing Peace of

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