Creon's Pride In Sophocles Antigone

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Pride: a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements. In the story “Antigone”, by Sophocles the story shows that a person’s pride can cause the complete opposite of satisfaction or pleasure. The story shows pride causes suffering for oneself and the people around them. Creon is used by Sophocles to show that Creon’s pride causes suffering for him and the people he loved.

In the story “Antigone” Sophocles shows that a person's pride can cause suffering to one’s self and others with the main character Creon. Creon causes suffering for his son Haemon by letting his pride get in the way of what is just. Creon’s pride gets in the way of Haemon’s thoughts about Antigone’s sentencing of death. In the story Haemon says, “ Then she must die. -But her death will cause another”. Due to Creon’s pride and self centeredness he only thinks about himself and assumes that his son Haemon is threatening him. Really Haemon is saying that he will commit suicide if Antigone dies. Later in the play Haemon can not bare to see Antigone dead so he commits suicide. When Creon sees this he is very upset and feels guilty. In this scene Haemon suffers from Creon's pride due to Antigone’s death. …show more content…

Eurydice suffers from the death of Haemon her son . Creon's pride causes his son’s death and Haemon's death causes his mother Eurydice's death . In the story Euridice suffers from having to hear of her son's

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