Creativity In Nursing Essay

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Creativity in Nursing: going beyond the norms to provide eminent care to Pediatrics Climb aboard mate, the pirates from the island across thy ocean are sailing over. A hiding spot must be found and found quickly! Here get in this here ship and do not move. You must be very still so the pirates do not see you. This is a real life example that could be used to make a child scared of a MRI feel more comfortable getting in the scanner. This is just one creative way that could provide adequate care in the field of pediatrics that goes beyond the average norms. Although providing adequate care to all groups is important, doctor offices and nurses alike must take actions that are more creative and be as creative as possible when providing care …show more content…

This means going beyond the textbook taught healthcare that means it often requires creativity since it views each patient individually. According to Daniel Blair, holistic healthcare can help keep the mind strong as well as the body and this can affect the patient’s emotions and their healing (Blair). By providing holistic health care into a pediatric office, children can be healed as a whole. This is important because children are young and often do not understand what is going on as well as an adult would. To a child, a shot could be the worse and most scary experience because all they know is the pain accompanied by it. Whereas an adult is more likely to just roll up their sleeve and get the shot because they understand that it is …show more content…

When creative, they can provide the most adequate care in pediatric nursing. It is vital for the nurses to know when to take a creative course of action because nurses typically have the most interaction with the children and therefore have the biggest impact. Nurses are typically taught a systematic care system when in nursing school. They tend to be more comfortable following what the textbook says to do. Although this may provide decent care to patients, creative nurses can make a massive difference in the care they provide. “Creativity in Clinical Nursing” is an article written by Elizabeth Stepp-Glibert that examines the role of divergent thinking within nurses. The article defines divergent thinking as thinking that uses seeking and directions of a variety of approaches to find the one that works for one situation. The article discusses the importance of divergent thinking within the health care field, she writes, “A creative individual will intentionally relate previously unrelated experiences to produce something new that is satisfying and useful to the individual” (Stepp-Gilbert). This shows the importance of creative nurses. Creative and divergent nurses are more capable to adapt to change. This is crucial in a pediatric office because children are different and pediatric offices often see a wide variety of age groups and personality. What works for one kid may not

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