Creative Writing: The Trampoline

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It was a breezy day out, Tim announced “do you want to go on the trampoline,” out from his window, looking like he had ants in his pants.
“Yes, I'll come jump with you,” I replied hesitating. “Meet in my backyard” I shouted. Slowly walking down stairs.
Tim was my next door neighbor, he lived right behind me. Except we went to different schools, so we rarely saw each other during school days. Except when we do hang out Tim always gets stuff on his first try no matter how hard it may be. We were both learning how to do a flip. Neither of us had a trampoline, so we went to our neighbors house. Our neighbor's trampoline was in their backyard. They had a Springfree trampoline. We walked down their driveway and into the backyard. We took our shoes off, put our phones down, and hopped right on.
“Watch out I'm going to do a flip, you can go after me.” Tim yelled bouncing high. “Go ahead,” I called moving out of his way.
Of course, he …show more content…

After a while, Tim and I started walking towards the trampoline. “If I get hurt again I'm never going back on a trampoline again” I confirmed hoping I will land a flip this time. We took our shoes off, put our phones down and got on. I started jumping and jumping thinking to myself, I got this I got this I got this. I was super hot and super nervous I put my head forward tucked but I stopped in the middle I could not do it.
“I'll try one last time,” I firmly said, starting to jump again.
I started jumping higher and higher still crazy hot, than at the highest point I leaned forward tucked my knees pulled my hands to my knees and flipped. While in the air feeling like everything was upside down, I hoped that I would land it. All I saw was everything spinning around in a circle Immediately I was on the trampoline perfectly fine. I was not hurt or cut I was quite fine.
“Yes yes yes I did it” I screamed super excited.
“Great job I told you that you could do it,” Tim spoke feeling really happy for

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