Creative Writing: The Necklace

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"Are you sure you're alright?" Gemma neared, lowering her voice. "Maybe you should release the necklace."
Immediately I could feel my eyes dilate. Terror instantly squeezed my insides, while everyone was staring at me, behind them, slinking down the ceiling like a spider, was the Jester.
"Look!" I roared, pointing a finger. Everyone turned suddenly. Simultaneously the emerald began to blaze with green light. Automatically my hand squashed around it and once again my mind transported to a new scene.
Faster than a flash I was back in the throne room. Warm lightning flamed all around, although, despite the lack of windows, I could tell it was late evening. The king and queen were seated on their thrones and on either side of them were their children. …show more content…

Take him to the tower and empty his quarters, the queen's voice replayed in my mind's ear. Maybe he had taken them to the tower. The larger guard had pointed it out earlier. It was right of the princesses door. It was worth a shot. With urgency, I plunged back into the hole, and army crawled the way I had come. With more mastery, I swiftly exited the trap-door and rocketed out of the princess's room, turning right at the doorway. It was now darker than ever, no mute light filtering from underneath the doorways, I was practically blind. Feeling with my hands, I touched the cold stone walls and felt an opening. Walking through my foot rammed into a hard object--it was a stair step. This has to be the way to the tower. With caution, but fleet-footed, I began to ascend a wide spiral staircase. After a few minutes, however, my legs felt on fire. The darkness almost palpable, like I was running through an endless tunnel of tar, my pace gradually turning slow. Then, I stopped when I heard a muffled noise. With my senses on high alert, I deciphered that the sound was music, like the kind I had once heard at a renaissance festival--that was odd. Resuming stride, I continued to climb, and soon I spied a glowing light, a beacon of hope. I was getting closer. Jumping four steps at a time, I lept the last few levels and approached a small door with light spilling forth underneath. The music was unmistakable, playing within. Without hesitation, I ripped open and the handle and peered inside, but what I saw was not what I was

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