Creative Writing: The Murderer

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“That won’t be necessary, I remember it,” he said, shaking his head. “One night, I slept down by the river, and woke up hungry enough to eat a bear. I went looking for some food. After checking several houses, and found door open. Entering the house, I looked around until I found the kitchen and took some food from the refrigerator. I left without touching anything else. You can believe that or not, but I’ve never murdered anyone in my life,” Raymond said, noticing the detectives staring at him. Still, he remained calm, but getting irritated. “Are you sure you didn’t do anything else while you were in the house?” Detective Wallace asked, knowing the only fingerprints found were at the back door and the refrigerator. “Hey man, I never touched a thing. Think about it, the only prints you found that belonged to me were at the back door, and in the kitchen. I didn’t use the …show more content…

Lincoln while she slept, they carried her body outside and smashed her head in with a sharp object, before dumping the body by the trash cans,” Detective Johnson said, thinking they had their murderer. After hours of questioning, Raymond shook his fist, and said, “I keep telling you, I didn’t murder anyone! What do you want me to say? Listen, man, give me a lie detector test to prove I’m telling the …show more content…

Finally, Detective Wallace noticed Raymond wiping his eyes with his dirty sleeve and heard him whisper, “I can’t let old memories dictate how I live my life today.” Rubbing his hands together as if nervous, “Raymond said, “I know I’m not guilty of murder and since you don’t have no evidence to hold me. I will give you my sister’s address and phone number, she always knows where I am and how to contact me, or if you wish, I’ll check in with your office monthly. I promise you’ll always know where I am,” Raymond said, shaking their

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