Creative Writing: The Howling

519 Words2 Pages

Outside, the Howling swept across the dark forest and slowly the deep, colorless fog suffocated the land, from great arch trees - ancient and wise, to struggling briars – hardy and wicked, till the stubborn weeds – everlasting no more. Shadows flitted just beyond sight, faintly outlined against the pale mist. Impossible shapes, a scrambling of limbs, their countless eyes, watching, watching from afar. But they were getting closer, closer, closer. There was no moon tonight.

Inside it didn’t feel safe. A sorry squirming tongue of flame sputtered in the hearth, blackened way past anything. It offered no warmth. Your mother’s soft, nervous singing showed her breath in the dull light; flickering. Dying. She was beautiful, mother was. And wise, and strong, and big. Huge – taller than any man or woman you’ve ever seen. She’d always looked so sure of everything, no fear in her. You’d doubt whether she knew of such a thing. …show more content…

But to you it was different, now. This time there was no safety inside. Mother could protect you no longer. Only sing, softly. A slight quiver to it; making the familiar calm lullaby sound so eerie.

From the corner of your eye, you watch the mist roll through the broken window, leaking onto the old groaning floorboards. Mother strokes your cheek, pulling your attention back to the song, now, almost at its end. The irrevocable fog crept across the floor, slightly parting around your mother’s feet, pooling underneath your bed. Her voice is soft, coaxing. She’s trying her hardest to put you at ease.

You watch, horrorstruck, as shadows scuttle beneath the shallow carpet of mist. Like fish in a murky pond; no more than vague shapes, blurry smears. Sometimes you caught glimpses of what they really were. You shut your eyes. These were not things you wanted to

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