Creative Writing: The Haunted House

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It was cold, damp, the smell of old earth, vomit, and other bodily fluids filled the air the further through the corridor you traveled. A single torch was lit by the locked door at the bottom of the stone stair case that seperated the free from the imprisoned. On the other side of the door were rows of stone walled cells. Prisoners never meant to see the light of day again.

"Milady, we can't be down here." The young guardsman's voice was shaking, he was clearly new at this, nervous. He kept looking over his shoulder.

The small woman at his side had a cloak around her shoulders, hood over her head. "I said, open the damn door." She yanked the torch off the metal bracket on the wall.

The young man fumbled woth the key ring and pried the door …show more content…

Some were alive. Sort of, if you could call living in your own filt living. This underground prision was virtually hell. The woman was was only glad that these poor people and creatures didn't have to live here long. Her father would kill them all, soon enough.

At the very end of the hall she reached the cage she was in search of, the newest resident of this place. A woman. A wolf.

She placed the torch up in a bracket on the wall and peered through the iron bars that kept the woman in, but chains held her at bay. She was in a pitiful state. It made her heart sink. "I-i'm sorry." She couldn't keep her voice from shaking. Nor the tears gathering in her eyes. No matter how many times she made this trip she always felt the same. And yes she made this visit to all the people down here, they all knew her face.

Pulling back her hood she revealed herself. Alice Rosca, the youngest child and only daughter of the man that imprisoned them all in there. "We aren't all like my father." Her delicate hand grasped the bar as she stepped just a bit closer looking the other woman in the eye. "I'm truly sorry for what he is going to do to …show more content…

"Don't tell him anything." She gave the woman a weak smile before flicking up her hood and disappearing down the hall back to where her scared guard was shaking in his armor.


As the only daughter of the noble Andri Rosca Alice spent most of her days studying. Mathematics, sciences, literature, even the arts. She was more learned than most of his advisers but as a woman she was never allowed in his council. But just because she was not permitted to speak in their company did not mean she did not listen. She knew far more about the war than her father and brothers ever gave her credit for. Alice didn't understand it though, there never seemed to be any real logic behind it... At least not to her. It was going on for generations but she couldn't seem to understand any of it.

So while the sons got to become great hunters, Alice was expected to live like a doll. She had personal guards and escorts because her father was parinod. Then again, all of the good fighters were needed on the fields so most of the time the more rookie fighters were put to guard her and she could easily man handle them, and of course out smart them. It made sneaking out way too

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