Handmaid's Tale Essay

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In the novel, The Handmaid’s Tale written by Margaret Atwood, the story takes place in the Republic of Gilead. In this dystopian future, the women are seen as nothing more than children bearers. The novel is narrated by the character Offred, and her everyday life as a Handmaid. Handmaid’s are assigned to bear children for the elite classes who have trouble conceiving a child. The narration begins by Offred describing the place in which she was trained to be a Handmaid and patrolled by the Aunts, Sara and Elizabeth, who are meant to teach the Handmaid’s about the world before. In chapter two, Offred describes her life living with the Commander and his Wife, which whom she is trying to conceive for. She describes the home as having, “A sitting room in which [she] never sit[s], but stand or kneel only”(Atwood 9). This sitting room is where the …show more content…

Moira is considered an Unwomen because she is lesbian, and they are the lowest social class in Gilead. The Unwomen are lesbians, barren women, and prostitutes. Before the Republic of Gilead was formed, Moira and Offred would hang out all of the time along with her husband, Luke, and her daughter. During these flashbacks, Offred remembers the time she was drugged and she kept asking, “...Where is she? What have you done with her?”(Atwood 39). In her drugged state, Offred only gives hints about her daughter, and how she blamed the people who drugged her for killing her daughter. Finally, after these flashbacks, Offred begins to narrate her current life as a Handmaid. She is taken to a doctor in which she is to get her routinely check-up. During this check-up, however, the doctor tries to seduce Offred to give her a chance to bear another child. Even though the doctor does not threaten Offred personally, Offred is already aware of the harm that he can do to her reputation if she does not accept his

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