Creative Writing: The Alchemist

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The Alchemist Rewritten, By: Cora Ruiz Although there were many other things to worry about as I transported my flock, my mind still drifted to the merchant's daughter. The dark night sky gave my memory time to fade into familiar sounds and colors that made my recollection of that day clear and vivid. When I arrived at the shop, the merchant was extremely busy with other customers. He asked for me to wait until the afternoon to complete our transaction. It was a bit of a disappointment when he requested that I waited. But the money would help the flock and I; so I sat down on the shop steps, and pulled a book from my bag. I remember her that she had a very orotund way of speaking, which quickly pulled my attention from that book. “ I didn’t …show more content…

Her eyes were a dark brown, like most girls from that area. Her skin was warmly bronzed, and seemed to tie her entire phyice together. Even though I had not spoke a single word to her, she had transfixed my attention. It had been a while since I had spoke to someone close to my age, because most of my interactions were with adults who were interested in my flocks. It was so much easier to talk to her, and i felt I had grown up bewitched by her charisma. Even though the merchant's daughters first remark put my judgment at a state of confusion, our conversations flourished into detailed stories of my adventures and her life in the city. I took time explaining the countrysides and the other towns.The way the cold air made breaths into dancing strands of white steam , or the enchanting moment as the sun drowned in the horizon, and its rays of glimmering light fought with darkness of the clouds. I wanted to make it feel as if she had traveled with me, and seen and experienced the breathtaking moments that I had. As my stories continued, her face and dark brown eyes would glow with excitement or widen with fear as my tales twisted and turned into all different directions and endings. She seemed so interested in learning what laid beyond her

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