Creative Writing Powerless

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It was August 21st and I was reading my dreadful summer reading book, Inkheart. Suddenly, a strange book fell out of my bookshelf and onto my head. The book was called Powerless. It was an old summer reading book from last year. I opened it, and it reminded me of how easy summer reading used to be. I decided to read it to Declan, my brother, so he could get an early start on next year's summer reading. I walked over to his room and asked Declan if he wanted me to read Powerless to him. He said yes. As I read the book to Declan, he started staring out into space almost like he was in a trance. I read the first 4 chapters then closed the book. Declan said my reading was really good and he wanted me to read to him tomorrow. The next day Declan …show more content…

Once I got there I found a trail of footprints. And it looked like the Shroud’s. I followed them all the way until it took me to the middle of the woods. I started looking around for the Shroud, but he was nowhere in sight. After an hour of looking I finally heard something. I slowly crept over to the strange noise, but it was only a dog playing in the woods. I went home to take a break. When I got home I sat on the couch and turned on the news. There was a news report of a burglar stealing money from banks in the area I lived in. It started to show the security footage of the burglar stealing from the bank. When I looked closer at the criminal I noticed it was no ordinary burglar, this one was the Shroud. I quickly ran upstairs and searched on the internet all the banks near me that the Shroud had not robbed. Maybe if I get to the bank before the shroud does I can catch him off guard and read him back into the book. I then went upstairs set the book on my counter and went to sleep. The next day I woke up and ran down stairs. My parent were talking to an old man in our family room. The old man looked exactly like the guy that dressed as the Shroud from the book! They looked furiously at me and my Mom called me over. The old man excused himself and left the house. My parents showed me a picture that the old man had given them. It was me in front of the dog in the woods. They said I was trespassing on the man’s property and terrorizing his dog. I tried to explain how I had gone looking for the burglar and how the old man was really the criminal from the bank, but then they just looked even more mad. They sent me up to my room and grounded me for 4 weeks. Now I would never find the shroud. All day I paced my room thinking about the Shroud, my brother, and how to escape my room. There was only one way out, and it was through the window. I looked down and it was too

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