Creative Writing: Hallucinogens

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The year of 2017 was a harsh year. I still dream about the rough nights that the group had to endure. The many Shrooms that tried to kill us. Rip our heads off. Scratch through our skins. That was just what I called them. Their real scientific names are Hallucinogens. Hallucinogens are people. They aren’t zombies or crazy ghouls. They are people. They are people that hallucinate about things that they are afraid of. Their fears. They see the dead, the killers, and the rapists. Now let the story begin. Today was the day I would see my friends again. The class of 1995 reunion at the University of Melbourne. I’ve met with many friends that I haven’t seen since the day that we walked the aisle. As I started to walk around, finding old pals and …show more content…

“I could use some of your equipment to build weapons and machines.” “I could use my civil engineering knowledge to strengthen the perimeter of your house, just in case anything happens,” Justin said, as he scanned the area around my house. I felt relief and comfort as they told me what they could do. They gave me the satisfaction that they could help all of us if anything went wrong. Vyvyan announced, while looking back to the forest behind my house, “I’m an agricultural engineer. I could make machines in order to farm and harvest food at the house.” I told all of them that I was a chemical engineer and could develop synthetic objects or chemical solutions that could be used. We all then headed our ways to see what we could do. I gave up for the night and went looking for the others. I could see Gabe examining all of my tools and attempting to build. On the other hand, Vyvyan was in the forest with a flashlight looking at the different plants. I looked behind me and about 25 yards away was Justin. I couldn’t figure out what he was doing and ran to him to get a closer look. When I got to Justin, I heard a shot back in the shrubs, Bang!, and we both looked at each …show more content…

This is what happens when you do,” Gabe yelled shooting at the bandit lying on the floor. “Fools!” His aggression and hostility shocked me. I wasn’t sure if I was safe being around him anymore. As he came back towards the house with crimson stains on his shirts, Vyvyan screamed with fear. She didn’t know what had happened and was dismayed. Gabe walked by her, with a grave look in his eyes, “Don’t ask.” We all decided to go search for Justin. Gabe brought his gun just in case we got attacked again. Vyvyan and I brought flashlights and ran towards the woods. The moon’s bright light shined through the leaves as we searched and searched. The night went by and thoughts of Justin swarmed my mind, “What happened to him? This is all my fault.” We started to give up and a flashlight shined towards our eyes. The light blinded our view. Vyvyan called out, “Is this you Justin? We were worried sick. The group has been searching all night.” The person didn’t respond, walking towards us faster with the light still blinding us. We finally saw a lady. She had several people behind her holding up pitchforks and knives. “Spiders! I told you to go away and not harm my family!” she yelled, with a knife pointed towards

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