Creative Writing: Empire Island

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Trekking across the vast frozen wasteland, I’m frightened by the faint noise of the ground beneath me collapsing. I leap forward believing I can escape the mouth of the iced creek from swallowing me. My attempt had failed. Jack, my partner in crime, and I are submersed knee deep in nerve shocking, leg numbing, freezing water. It takes my breath away as I give it my all to hurdle back to shore. We are only a few feet away from rocky hope. But from a child’s point of view, it might as well be a mile. We reach land! Legs trembling, we decide to empty our boots of the slushee-like substance piercing through our skin. Brought back to reality by the head wrenching shock, the once Alaskan, barren, wasteland we were exploring reverted back …show more content…

WHACK! Swords are flying through the air as I engage my counterpart, Captain Jack. He is too quick! I must retreat. Arriving at my caveman fashioned fort, I realise something is odd. My sabre had been moved! I take another step onto the crispy, autumn leaves. Within an instant I’m jerked up into the air by a rope constricting my foot!
Captain Jack emerges from the brush. “Where have yey put it?” He barks. My refusal to speak frustrates the stubborn pirate. With a quick slash the, fine sharpened, blade of his gleaming sabre sheared my head off like the wool on a sheep’s back. And with that, it was over. I was conquered.
Frightened by the footsteps of an incoming guard, I evade behind a marble pillar. The rich architecture of the building impresses me. The guard, in a midnight daze, strolls past. I creep through the open dim lighted space to arrive at a monstrous, rhino-armored vault door.
With steady hands and confidence, I place two ten pound bags of c4 on the polished metal. I retreat to the office on my left. Cowering behind a desk, I detonate the explosives sending a deafening shock rippling through the multi story building. Airborne papers are impairing my vision as I glide to the unscathed, slumping bags of cash. I snatch them. Realizing the cumbersome weight I’m forced to leave one. With only two bags, I’m flushed with adrenaline by the screams of alarms and snarling

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