Creative Writing: Chicken Soup For The Pre-Teen Soul

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The first memory I had of the Internet was during the second grade when I started playing games on the Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon Network. I heard about the websites from commercials that played during commercials. My parents weren’t very strict about my Internet use as long as it wasn’t while someone else was trying to talk on the home phone (90’s kid problems), but for some reason, I wasn’t really interested in exploring the web beyond playing games to avoid boredom.

Some time before I began middle school, I read a book called Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul. At the end of the book, there was a list of resources, including a website called Although the book was somewhat dated by the time I read it, I decided to check the website out anyway. Preteen Planet shut down almost a decade ago, but at the time, it was a safe haven for tweens to play games, explore online advice message boards, participate in online contests, and browse e-cards. It was something that I really appreciated because at the time, the area I lived in didn’t offer many social opportunities for kids my age. It was the first time I felt like I was part of an online community. …show more content…

I didn’t find the Internet intriguing or communal after that until I discovered social media in the seventh grade when my friend introduced me to the ever-so-popular website, Facebook. From there, I then became interested in Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, marking the beginning of my Internet addiction. The notion of social currency (in the form of views, likes, comments, subscribers, retweets, and shares), the ability to search posts based on topics and other criteria, and the added ease of interaction with other members of the global community is what sets social media apart from the other online forums I previously used. I think these affordances, especially social currency, are partially what makes social media so addicting and keeps people coming

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