Crazy Ernie Quotes

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chris various encounters with people and the decisions he makes are the people he meets are crazy ernie wayne westerberg and kevin with wayne and kevin the hierarchy wayne and kevin fit are physiological, safety, love belonging and esteem in ch 4 to support this alex wrote to westenberg saying “find a man as generous and good natured as you are”and Alex also thanks Wayne for his hospitality and the money he earned and thank kevin for donating clothes to alex that alex really needed and by the end of the letter he called him wayne a friend and said he “i’ll get back to you Wayne and repay some of your kindness”. for crazy Ernie only felt a physiological need for chris and only a little because although Ernie offered chris a job he found out in the book “Ernie had no intention of ever paying chris” and chris stole a bike from ernie so.

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