Charley Goddard Quotes

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Charley Goddard when into the war when he was fifteen years old he when into the war only to be a man. He was not thinking of what he would have to live on, the conditions he had to live under. He was not thinking that he would have to see the things that he had seen, doing the things that he had to do to stay alive. When Charley entered the war he wasn’t scared mostly because the didn’t do much. When the war really started to “kick up” or become more intense he started to get scared, he almost threw up half of the time. He didn’t think he would have to walk and take cover from dead men- dead friends. When Charley was out of the war he was twenty one. He was walking with a cane and is complaining that he was too old. When Charley said he was too old he wasn't talking about his age he was talking about the things he had seen. …show more content…

He doesn’t want to really move on with his life, He see no reason to. I believe that Charlie does indeed have a Soldier's heart. Believe this because in the forward of the book they describe Soldiers Heat as Coming Out of war with many mental problems. More like being mentally disturbed on what they had to see and live through. That is exactly wrong with Charley, He would think about the battle, He had a gun that reminded him of when he had killed a man with his bayonet. Charley is somewhat glad that he is going to die sooner or later “In some ways it made him sad and in some ways he was near glad of it” the book claims. In conclusion I believe that Charley Goddard indeed does have a Soldier's

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