Counseling Theories Paper: Therapeutic Approach

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Counseling Theories Paper
Michael is a 19 year-old man. At the age of three, Michael was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Michael’s condition has impacted his physical functioning and the ability to take care of himself. Michael feels others are often judging him and his condition when he is in public. Michael wants to be independent and gets frustrated easily when others are helping him. He lashes out at those around him and gets agitated easily in his day-to-day life.
Therapeutic Approach There are many counseling theories that can address Michael’s situation. In examining his behavior, the therapy chosen for Michael is Reality Therapy. According to Good Therapy (2017), Reality Therapy addresses the 5 basic needs of the individual and how relationships and behavior impact meeting one’s needs. The 5 basic needs include power, love and belonging, freedom, fun and survival (“Psychology Today”, 2017). Since Michael wants to be independent, it is hard for him to accept help from others. Michael’s anger towards others when being helped may result in conflict and neglect (APA Center, 2017). His current actions are not helping him gain his sense of freedom. …show more content…

In focusing on perceptions and goals, reality therapy seeks to assist the client in attaining their goals by examining behavior and creating a plan (Hansmann et al., 2012). Michael seeks freedom in living with his condition, since he requires help in almost every part of his life. He currently displays anger towards others, which may cause those around him to feel frustrated or unwanted. Michael needs guidance in improving his relationships with his peers, so that they can better assist in helping him achieve

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