Cost Of Museum

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Museum is a place where we learn the different cultures like Native Indians traditions and mysterious of Maya cultural; appreciate author’s hard work and internally connected and communicate to the arts in a form of its value and stories. One of the most curial issue museums are facing today is the lack of funding which can leads to many consequences to the society; individuals and education system such as declining in great museum and cut off museum worker’s benefits and lots of the great museums are closed because of the funding issues and will not open until they have find new funding’s to support the Museum operations. On the next couple paragraphs, I will be explaining the reasons and relationships between Museum’s expenses; revenue and …show more content…

One of the recently study shows that most of the museum’s expenses goes to Art-focused activities which is around 32% and other big part of expenses goes into the Revenue-generating activities such as Marketing and Benefit events that will attract more visitors to the museum; also, the salaries of employers are big portion of the museum expenses. Study shows that museums are making about $28,000 for load the objects to the institutions like college and spend about $98,000 to borrowed the objects to display in the museum; This is lots of the money spend on borrowing and revenues from the loaned objects were not able to cover it. One of the other issue is occurring today, is that less people felt appreciate to the arts and usually devalued the art on its true value, this indirectly decreased the individual donators who would like to contribute to the …show more content…

If I wants to look up something, google can get it to me in like 2 seconds instead of going to the museums and see the actual exhibitions; Instead I can just look at the images and descriptions online. Arts are being devalued and forgetting by lots of the people. As I look through some of the websites about people’s experience and opinion about the museums they visited, and one thing that I find interesting is that there are some portion of the people don’t like museums and reasons are like they are going to museum only because they are told to do so; it’s boring or don’t understand… this might be one of the reason that government were not taking museums as serious as it should

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