Corruption In The LAPD

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There are a few factors that led to the corruption in the LAPD. The first factor that led to the corruption is the lack of integrity and ethics that these officers have. If each officer had integrity, they would not being doing things they know are ethically wrong. For example, someone who is honest would not let another person go to jail for a crime they did not commit. Another factor is the lack of oversight these officers had. Not being overseen made it easy for the officers to do whatever they pleased with a smaller chance of being caught. There was so much corruption in the police department, yet no one decided to speak up to help stop it.
The first part of preventing corruption in the police force is realizing corruption happens. Even police officers are human and may not make the best decisions. However, preventing corruption needs to start in the hiring process. It is very important to hire those who have a good sense of integrity. Longer hiring processes that include integrity obstacles. Educate those training officers of the risks they are taking if they chose to participate in misconduct. …show more content…

It is important to make sure that the hiring process starts with hiring people with values that represent your organization. From beginning to end make sure to constantly remind people of the values of the organization and to hold each person accountable for their own actions. If someone is not fitting the part then it would be best to let them go. An important leadership style to have is being an authentic leader, one who shows real leadership (ppt 14). Also it is important to have certain virtues to help make an organization run smoothly. For example, having virtues such as integrity, justice, compassion, and reverence helps make leaders sensitive to certain ethical issues that will encourage them to make morally correct decisions (ppt

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