Corrupt Political Parties

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“I was well satisfied that our Country, under all the circumstances of the case, had a right to take, and was bound in duty and interest, to take a Neutral position.”1 President George Washington believed that the best way to keep our nation united was to take a neutral political stance. He looked at both sided and found the good and the bad of the political parties of his day and he realized that these parties are not the best ways to run this nation. President Washington was right about these parties, they don’t unite our nation as one, but they split it into two or sometimes even three or four different types of people, and these people and parties are always going after each other and finding the faults of their rival party. Political parties are an evil and corrupt way to run a government. First, when a representative of any certain political party runs for a government position, he is “more concerned with maintaining their own party's control over their rivals rather than serving the interests of the people.”2 The politicians don’t want what is best for the people, rather they will only do what they believe will tear down the other party and build theirs up. Politicians lie and will do whatever it takes to get the public to side with them, the worst part about political parties, is presidential candidates no longer run to help our …show more content…

In this day and age we are seeing what George Washington for told as the “the baneful effects of the spirit of party”3. These parties are tearing our nation apart, and it is being torn more now than it ever has

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