Political Party Divison is the Problem

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The biggest problem in America today is that the party line has been drawn over our lives, drawn down the center of the nation, drawn through our homes and families. Rather than Republicans and Democrats agreeing on a vision of America but disagreeing on the means to achieve it, the two parties point their fingers, call their opponents names, and declare the other side unpatriotic. The Republicans are running on a platform of “the Democrats will destroy America”, while the Democrats do practically nothing at all, proud to not be Republicans. And we, the people, call them leaders. We, the people, elected them. We, the people, make their jobs easy because we, the people whom they have sworn to serve, don’t question them. And why not? Why aren’t we questioning the status quo? Why aren’t the millions of angry Americans, the silent majority, doing anything? Because we have been conditioned to stay quiet by federally sponsored, color-coded fear mongering.

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