Corporate Sponsorship In High School

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Many people have attended high school football games and noticed sponsors on the scoreboards, merchandise, and even the players jersey. At first you probably don't put much thought into it, but in reality, those sponsors may be the reason your high school team is able to play. Granted, too much corporate sponsorship can get to be overwhelming at times. Corporate partnerships with schools are great for helping the school afford things they need and for publicity for the sponsor. As long as they don't interfere with students educational work, no harm can be done.

First, corporate sponsorship can be good for schools because it provides them with materials or equipment that they need. Some schools don't have the money to buy brand new sports uniforms or equipment. With corporate sponsorships, they may pay for your necessities as long as you use their product. Another reason corporate sponsorships can benefit schools is kids can develop healthy eating habits from the advertising. For example, when I was in middle school my school had a “got milk” poster on the wall. The celebrity in the poster had a milk mustache, so all the kids would get milk with their lunch so that they can also have a milk mustache like the celebrity. Not only does this sponsorship help themselves gain more profit, but it influences kids to drink milk. …show more content…

For example, Pepsi was partnered with my school so we had Pepsi vending machines in the cafeteria. There was a variety of different sodas in the machines and the kids always wanted to get their soda first. It got to the point where the kids were so focused on getting out the door to get their drink, that it distracted them from their schoolwork. Also, corporate sponsorship can just be plain annoying. Seeing the same advertisements all around your school and hearing about the same product can start to become

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