Corporate Social Responsibility

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Most of the research was conducted using the descriptive Corporate Social Responsibility approach, this research mainly focused on whether CSR was incorporated in the football industry. If it is, then how it is carried out? This essay will include; reasons for football clubs to adopt CSR policies, the benefits gained by football clubs when adopting CSR and how is CSR practiced; how do football cubs act socially responsible. What is CSR? There are multiple definitions of CSR, The World business Council for Sustainable Development defines it as “the continuing commitment by business to contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the community and society at large”. Whereas McWilliams and Siegel (2000) give a definition that is more suitable for football clubs, “CSR represents a set of actions that appear to further some social good, extend beyond the explicit pecuniary interests of the firm, and are not required by law”. Another definition that was developed by Turker (2009) socially responsible organisations are those “that aim to affect stakeholders positively and that go beyond its economic interest”. The definitions by Turker and McWilliams and Siegel are more appropriate for understanding CSR in the football industry, in which organisations that don't operate in the conventional way. Smith and Westerbeek state that there are seven unique features of sports that gives it a high power and influence in societies “mass media distribution and communication power, youth appeal, positive health impacts, social nitration, sustainability awareness, cultural understanding and integration, and immediate gratification benefits (Smith and Westerbeek, 2007). Thi... ... middle of paper ... ...bitlity in English Footall: History and Present. Management & Marketing, 6 (2) 327-346. Smith, A. and Westerbeek, H. (2007). Sport as a vehicle for deploying corporate social responsibility. Journal of corporate citizenship, 25, 1-12. Trendafilova, S. et al. (2012). Corperate Social Responsibility in Europeansports clubs: Analysis and classification of activities/programmes. Turker, D. (2009). Measuring corporate social responsibility: a scale development study. Journal of Business Ethics 85, 411-427. Walker, M. and Kent, A. (2009). Do fans care? Assessing the influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer attitudes in the sport industry. Journal of Sport Management, 23(6) 743-769. Walker, M., Parent, M. (2010), Toward an Integrated Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility, Responsiveness, and Citizenship in Sport. Sport Management Review, 1, 198-213

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