Contrast Of War: Similarities Between The French And The American Revolution

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Although the Revolutions started many years apart The American Revolution started in 1775 while the French began in 1789 Some interesting similarities are both of the Revolutions were started over very dire economic circumstances. Both occurred in the 1800's,the Americans felt British Parliament implemented unfair taxes and felt they were Absolute monarchy meaning a form of government has absolute power over its people. The French were also Under an Absolute monarchy being ruled by King Louis XVI. Another similarity is they both created conditions of deep patriotism and constitutionalism . One big difference between the two wars was Contrast of war, the American colonist did not kill The British leader of the time King George III .The French King Louis XVI was beheaded by the Citizens of France publicly so all could watch, it was a much bloodier war. The revolutions were also started by different Classes of …show more content…

The Declaration of Independence is one the most important documents in our nation's history. With one part stating The United Colonies are free independent states, and absolved from any allegiance to the British as well as any political connections dissolved. The Constitution of The United States was signed on 9/17/1777, it was executed by representatives of the people of The United States as the absolute rule of action for all officers of government which all laws and ordinances be in accordance. It is the absolute foundation of our government for Over 200 years. Jay Treaty was a treaty of navigation and commerce between Britannic Majesty and The United States. It was used to relieve post-war tensions between the two. It was signed on 2/29/1796 The Articles Of Confederation 1777 was the first document to establish The United States as a separate entity ,outlining the terms under which each Colony would operate. It also states having its own government the states have agreed to

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