Contagion Movie

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The disaster in Contagion begins instantly as audiences are introduced to the index patient in the first minute of the film. Although no one knows it yet, Gwyneth Paltrow’s character Beth Emhoff exhibits the symptoms of the virus in the opening scene. As she sits in the airport and talks on the phone, she already looks pale and sweaty. When asked if she is okay, she blames her coughing on jetlag. In a montage that spans two days, audiences are introduced to people in Hong Kong, England, Minnesota, and Japan exhibiting the same symptoms and dying from them. These are cities that everyone is familiar with so the setting in which the disaster takes place is not one that is extravagant or fictional: “they are realistic, contemporary and happen …show more content…

Virologist and cancer biologist Patrick Lee was the first person to use a virus (reovirus) as a potential treatment for cancer. After watching the movie, Dr. Lee stated that the likeliness of the reovirus running “amuck” is improbable: “’I thought the movie was very entertaining but the scenario it presents is highly unlikely, almost impossible’” (Dalhousie University, 2008). In Contagion, the narrative is something that viewers have experienced, but on a much larger scale. It also takes viewers through the disaster from start to end so one is able to see the full blown effect for themselves. I Am Legend skips over the symptoms of the vaccine and how it gradually affected the world. It mainly depicts how to survive and come back from a disaster of this kind. The movie ends with a “utopian” society: “[it is] the end of one plane of existence (the terrestrial) and reemergence of a small group of chose in heavenly realm” (Cornell, Slide 16). The imagery of mass death, science labs, finding a cure, etc. are all the same in both these films, but the order in which they are shown affects the meaning greatly. I Am Legend shows audiences that disaster is not something they should fear, but rather welcome as it provides a do-over for a better society than the one that existed. Contagion on the other hand puts the fear in people to make them understand that a pandemic can be isolated, but once it begins to spread it can easily become

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