Conservation Of Constancy Essay

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Recognition is the first of the cognitive structures that students learn. The definition of Recognition is, “the ability to identify a match or fit between two or more pieces of information.” (Garner, 2007) When students recognize a pattern, they become confident in their abilities. When the students achieve this confidence, it will drive them to conquer new knowledge. The difference between recognition and knowledge can be confusing to the students. Multiple choice test reflect recognition not understanding. People will continue to use and expand recognition whenever they experience new information. Educators can reinforce the students skills to process information by reassuring the students to recognize and visualize what their senses tell …show more content…

The definition of conservation of constancy is “the ability to understand how some attributes or characteristics of a thing can change while others stay the same.” (Garner, 2007) Conservation of constancy is necessary to determine relationships and make sense of the physical and abstract information. Conservation is critical for instruction and gaining knowledge in every subject area. Students, who are lacking in this cognitive structure, end up confused and do not benefit from their experiences. Students, then, struggle to move information from one place of activity to another. This will cause bits of data to appear the same because of the disconnection deciding what was important. Students can develop conservation of constancy by helping their parents around the house and playing with different objects that can be moved and manipulated. Play-doh is an example of objects that can be manipulated because it can be transformed into different shapes and sizes without changing the physical consistency. Students do not get the physical or sensory input needed to develop basic cognitive structures when they are watching TV or playing virtual games. Young students need to manipulate real, tangible objects to develop conservation of …show more content…

The definition of Temporal orientation is “a cognitive structure for processing information by comparing events in relationship to when they occur.” (Garner, 2007) Temporal orientation is what helps students plan and organize. Students who lack in temporal orientation struggle to complete task within a certain time frame and are often late for class. When students develop temporal orientation “it equips students to organize and connect bits of information in relationship to each other and to standardized units of time.” (Garner, 2007) Teachers can encourage students by experimenting with new ways of measuring time, notice timekeeping devices, and model good time management. Temporal orientations is determined by values, beliefs, and

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