Concussions In High School Essay

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Concussions make up many injuries obtained by high school students concussions have a large impact on student life not just from the few days after the impact but up to weeks or months. Conclusions are a more serious injury than people realize, and they can be diagnosed much faster and accurately than before with shorter recovery times Concussions are one of the most common injuries in high school sports. High school athletes sustain an estimated 300,000 concussions per year (Vanlandingham). The Center of Disease Control defines a concussion as a “Bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, …show more content…

If a person tries to play through an injury they are putting themselves at even more risk because they are now not only playing with impaired reaction time, but they could also be playing through a life-threatening injury. When a concussion goes undiagnosed, that person is putting themselves at a much higher risk for more injuries, which would keep them from playing for even longer. While concussions become better understood so will their diagnosing, treatment, symptoms, and recovery. When a student is suspected of having a concussion, they will have to take a series of tests that can be given at the place of the injury by a trained professional. Concussions are becoming more commonly diagnosed with there being more cases there is a better understanding of how they affect it has both short term and the long term of the student’s brains. If the doctor feels that they have a concussion, missing school will benefit the recovery of the student. The doctor will tell the person to not go to school for the next couple days so that they not only rest physically, but they can also rest mentally. Missing school can speed up the recovery and get the person back to their normal life as soon as possible. When a student

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