Concepts Of Heijunka, Jidoka And Just In Time

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As observed, the central or the heart of the TPS is the people. Such placement symbolizes that developing unique people and teams by training, follows the company’s methodology to gain exceptional outcomes. Here we will briefly discuss three main concepts of TPS, which are Heijunka, Jidoka and Just in Time (JIT). Heijunka includes the idea of smoothing the process and production by considering leveling and sequencing. In Heijunka it is important to understand the production sequence to balance it by volume and style, as a result the raw materials will be minimized (Apel, Li, & Walton, 2007). Leveling involves smoothing the volume of production in order to decrease variation. In leveling batches of the same product will be made once a time. …show more content…

*Jidoka has two main components , Automation and Stop at every abnormality. In Automation, machines intelligent systems will define errors and stop the system automatically. In Stop at every normality, individual operators must define errors and stop the system once a defect is observed; otherwise, the machines will not identify the defects. << << more (moyad) Just in Time (JIT) Just in Time (JIT) includes providing the customer with what is desired, at the exact time and in the exact quantity. The three components of JIT are continuous flow, Pull production and Takt time. Continuous-flow Continuous-flow is an important term in maintaining the flow in a factory. Continues-flow is all about moving things effectively -no stops for queues or inventory and no unnecessary movement or transport. According to Guerindon‏‬ (1995) “In a continuous flow factory the work flow in one direction, and process should be located in such manner that material handling is minimized or avoided” (p.36). ‪‬‬ Guerindon‏‬ (1995) mentioned the advantages of continuous-flow to be: ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ easy to manage more focus on quality and cost it is more responsive to customer …show more content…

Companies seek to satisfy the customer by providing a good services or products. Lean manufacturing system is one of approach that supports companies to reduce waste, lead-time and improving quality. There is a wide use of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) in lean project, it is typically used to draw a clear picture of the process in order to identify the value added and non-value-added activates (Singh, Chopra, & Kalra, 2014). From it’s name the VSM map the value stream which is defined by Kengar, Kadam, Pandit, & Ingale (2013) as a collection of value added and non-value added actions were required to translate raw material to the end product. VSM is a lean tool that observes the flow of information and materials and summarize the flows visually (M., C., S., & Puthran, 2014). According to Sayer and Williams (2007) VSM defined as “ a graphical representation of how all the steps in any process line up to produce a product or service, as well as the flow of information that triggers the process into action”

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