Concept Essay: Positive Emotion

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Jingwen Li Concept Essay ENG 150 10/6/2015 Positive Emotion “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller. Emotion is something that people cannot see and touch, but it accompanies people every day. People are quite familiar with it and they use it, enjoy it and control it. However, there will still be some people who wonder what emotion is. According to, emotion is defined as “an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness” (emotion). As part of emotion, positive emotion is an essential factor in people’s lives. Positive emotions have the antecedent, a role of signaling happiness, and a function to approaching actions that are going to be stated. An emotion begins with an individual’s assessment of the personal meaning of some antecedent event – what Lazarus …show more content…

Broaden-and-build theory is an alternative model, which was developed by Fredrickson, to catch positive emotion effects. The reason why it is called broaden-and-build is that positive emotions appear to broaden people’s momentary thought-action repertories and build their enduring personal resources. To support the idea, the general question of whether specific positive emotions differentially motivate particular behaviors was tested by CAVANAUGH, L. A., BETTMAN, J. R., and LUCE, M. F.. By testing the novel hypothesis that specific positive emotions may have different effects on prosocial behavior directed toward close versus distant others. The result finally shows that positive emotion will affect people’s behavior and action. By assessing the personal meaning of events, emotion comes up. What’s more, positive emotions have not only a role of marking happiness, but also a function to continue

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