Competitive Vs Recessive Essay

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There are two main forms of genes; dominant and recessive. You have many genes that determine how you look i.e.: hair color, eye color, etc. If you have a dominant dominant gene and your spouse has the same dominant dominant gene then your children will all have the dominant dominant gene. If you have a dominant dominant gene and your spouse has the dominant recessive gene then your children will either have the dominant dominant gene or the dominant recessive gene. If you have the dominant recessive gene and your spouse has the same dominant recessive gene then your children will either have the dominant dominant gene, the dominant recessive gene, or the recessive recessive gene. If you have the recessive recessive gene and your spouse has the same recessive recessive gene then your children will all have the recessive recessive gene. …show more content…

‘“Usually”’ is accurate, because sometimes a brown-eyed person is a carrier of the blue-eyed gene. In that case, in blue-eye/ brown-eye couple, every child will have at least one blue-eye gene (from the blue-eyed parent) and has a 50/50 chance of having another blue-eye gene (from the other parent).” (Berger, 2014, p. 56). “If two brown-eyed parents both carry the blue-eye gene, they have one chance in four of having a blue-eyed child.” (Berger, 2014, p. 56). In the case of dominant and recessive genes if the person has the dominant gene in any of the combinations listed above then that (dominant gene) is what is shown to the world. If you have a dominant recessive gene then the dominant gene is shown though you also carry the hidden recessive gene. “It is also possible for both parents to be carriers, in which case their children have one chance in four to inherit the recessive gene from both parents.” (Berger, 2014, p.

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