Compassion In Nursing Essay

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There are many ideas in Buddhism that are relevant to our society such as impermanence, karma, and meditation; however, I find the Buddhist idea of compassion most relevant to what I do. I am a nursing major, and in nursing, we are taught that compassion is one of the most fundamental elements of nursing practice, empowering nurses to care for patients who are stricken by misfortune. I see a strong correlation between the notion of being close to patients and viewing their situation as more than a routine procedure or a medical scenario in nursing and the Buddhist idea of compassion. In the following essay, I will look at various aspects in the practice of nursing that benefit from the Buddhist idea of compassion. According to the American Nurses Association, nursing is a profession in the health care sector that focuses on “the protection, …show more content…

They may be more willing to reach out to a nurse who seems compassionate and caring as opposed to a nurse who seems more interested in getting home. The moment in which human caring is established is when patients feels comfortable pressing the call bell for help rather than disregarding the blood in their urine or the fact that they lost all sensation in their lower extremities. Compassion also plays a key role in communication. A part of nursing is not just knowing what to say, but how to say it. Patients are more responsive to nurses who exhibit sincerity and empathy as opposed to animosity. Smiling, or simply addressing the patient the way he or she wants to be addressed contributes to the optimal care nurses are expected to uphold. The little things are what matters whether it is listening without interrupting, sitting down next to the patient to maintain eye level, or simply asking them how their day was. It is the presence compassion that fosters improvement of quality patient care and the development of a caring

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