Importance of Compassion

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“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness. This quote said by the Dalai Lama has a great meaning to it. Most just see compassion as another word in this world, when it’s so much more than that. Compassion bring people together, makes the world a better place, and most importantly allows you to connect with others. Compassion is necessary to the human experience because it keep the world emotionally connected.
With compassion, people come closer together. Compassion provides love and without this emotion, humans would be isolated from one another. Love would not be considered love without compassion. It distinguishes a human from being heartless to one who cares for people other than themselves. Being compassionate leads a person away from a path of selfishness and builds strong relationships with others. The following authors did a great job of demonstrating this.
Tacitus states in his text, “The Burning of Rome,” that, “Nevertheless, for the relief of the homeless, fugitive masses he threw open the Field of Mars, including Agrippa’s public buildings, and even his own Gardens. Nero also constructed emergency accommodation for the destitute multitude. Food was brought from Ostia and neighboring towns, and the price of corn was cut,” (Tacitus, 408.) Nero taking action after the destructive fire shows him demonstrating compassion toward the people of his town. This action would help Nero build connections with his people, Nero did this for the good of the town. Without Nero demonstrating compassion, the whole city of Rome will continue to fall apart, and will never be repaired.
Li Po, the author of the text, “River Merchants Wife,” w...

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... road so far—farther than I can guess. His spirit came back where the maple groves are green, then went back, leaving me in borderland blackness.” (Tu Fu, 264.) This quote is showing how Tu Fu had compassion for Li Po as he entered his life again, but when Li Po left, he was left in sadness. Li Po showed no compassion toward Tu Fu, leaving him in a state of depression. The quote is showing compassion is necessary because without it, nobody would be happy.
These authors above included these specific parts of the texts to bring the story together. The texts will be completely different without compassion being present in, “The Burning of Rome,” “River Merchants Wife,” “Things Fall Apart,” and “Dreaming of Li Po.” Compassion is necessary to the human experience for multiple reasons; compassion brings people closer, makes the world a better place and keeps people happy.

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